The output template can be modified by using the Output tree's context menu to add new nodes to it or by dragging and dropping existing ones from the Input tree. 可以使用Output树的上下文菜单修改输出模板,为其添加新的节点,或者从Input树中拖放已有的节点。
You can clone objects such as tables, views, stored procedures, and functions using the Clone Definition context menu that is available on these nodes in the Server Explorer tree. 您可以在ServerExplorer树中使用节点中的CloneDefinition上下文菜单克隆表、视图、存储过程、函数等对象。
After some context initialization, the page is executed and the JSF framework creates a component tree that mirrors the JSF tags used in the Web page. 在进行了某些上下文初始化后,就会执行此页面,而且,JSF框架还会创建组件树以镜像该Web页面所用的JSF标记。
This was done because the right-click context menu is bound to the entire tree as a whole, as opposed to one for each node of the tree. 之所以这么做是因为右键单击上下文菜单绑定到整个树,而不是一个树节点。
To invoke it, use the Show Script context menu option that is available on the table, view, stored procedure, and function nodes in the Server Explorer tree. 要调用脚本设计程序,在ServerExplorer树中使用表、视图、存储过程和函数节点中的ShowScript上下文菜单选项。
You can also invoke the script designer as a standalone instance without any relation to a specific database object using the New Script menu option that is available on the context menu for the data connection node in the Server Explorer tree. 您也可以作为一个独立实例来调用脚本设计程序,而不需要与特定数据库对象建立关联,即在ServerExplorer树中使用数据连接节点的上下文菜单的NewScript菜单选项。
However, to understand caching you need to consider it in the context of deferred construction of the tree and the AXIOM API. 但是,要理解缓冲必须在树的延迟构造和AXIOMAPI上下文中来思考。
First, the following example shows how to propagate the whole SOAP Context from an existing tree 首先,下面的示例说明了如何在现有树的基础上填充整个SOAPContext
You want to have a real, tangible connection to where you stand in the context of history, says Mr Liu, who first became curious about his roots when he was assigned to draw a family tree in school. 刘先生说:人会希望切实地触摸自己与历史的联系。他第一次对自己的家族根源产生兴趣,是在有一次学校布置作业、让他们画下自己的族谱时。
The context menu's UI is part of the page and takes up space in the page's control tree. 快捷菜单界面是页面的一部分,并且属于页面控件树中的一员。
This paper proposes a novel query expansion method using Local Context Analysis ( LCA) based concept tree pruning. 介绍一种局部上下文分析(LCA)剪枝概念树的方法。
The requirement to magnify the view in order to read specific details introduces the same loss of visual context mentioned above in our discussion of large tree structures. 为了可以阅读特定的细节而扩大浏览范围的需求说明我们在之前所提到当要看大形树形结构时会遗漏掉一些视觉内容的形情。
According to my tests, having the context menu in the popup object alters the page's tree of elements and this seems to have repercussions on the View Source window; it just doesn't show up. 按照我的测试,在弹出对像中包含快捷菜单改变了页面的元素树并影响查看源代码窗口,不能显示。
This essay summarizes the effects, problems and solutions of Chinese parsing using CTT with a Chinese simple Context Free Grammar ( CFG) after a brief introduction of the composition, several characteristics of the Copenhagen Tree Tracer ( CTT) program. 本文简要介绍了自然语言处理的图形接口软件CTT(CopenhagenTreeTracer),并介绍了利用它在简单的CFG形式化体系下做汉语自动句法分析的状况、存在问题、解决办法。
Based on such a model, the context similarity measurement method based on host context model tree is presented. 在分层的多维情境模型基础上,提出了基于主情境模型树的情境相似性评估方法。
Knowledge Retrieval Based on Knowledge Context Tree in KMS KMS中的基于知识背景树的知识检索问题
Through RKD and RGTD, several classes of functional genomic data, including mutant lines and gene expression data, can be displayed for each rice kinase and GT in the context of a phylogenetic tree, allowing for comparative analysis both within and between families. 通过RKD和RGTD,包括突变体信息和基因表达数据在内的多种功能基因组数据可以在一种系统发育树的环境中展示出来,有利于基因家族之间和之内的比较分析。
The existing species has genetic links due to inheritance. We can use the context information to construct a tree called species tree to reflect the evolutionary relationship between them. 现存的物种间由于遗传因素,存在基因上的联系,可以根据这些关联信息构建一棵物种树,用来反映它们之间的进化关系。
In the first chapter, the meaning and value of the theme, the research status, context, research scale and the hypothesis tree are introduced. 本文第一章对选题意义与价值、国内外研究现状与发展趋势、研究内容与范围和本文假设树进行了说明和介绍。